Nice to meet you.
Thanks for taking the time to look at my portfolio.
I am a retired graphic artist. Owning and managing a screen printing and graphic imaging company for over 40 years has afforded me the opportunity to also work photographically. My photographic passion, as you can tell from images placed on the site, is in the area of Nature Photography. Anytime I can go poking around the outdoors with camera in hand is a "good day".
I wear more hats than simply Nature Photographer. I am a husband, father, son, grandfather, brother, and disciple of Jesus. It is my deep love for God and intrigue with his creation that has... and will continue to bring me... great joy as I explore this amazing planet he has gifted us with.
The intent of this website is not to just show intimate glimpses into his creation, rather, it is to encourage you to develop a relationship with the Creator himself. He loves you deeply... and He is worthy!
"If you seek me, you will find me, if you search for me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:13)
Please leave a comment in the Contact Page if you care to talk photography... or talk about spiritual things.
If you are interested in a fine art print of any of the images on this site...we can make that happen.